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Kathy Hendricks Kathy is the fifth of six children in a family rooted in the history and geographical beauty of Colorado. She ventured outward in college and, later, as an elementary school teacher, religious educator, pastoral minister, author, spiritual director, and public speaker. Married for forty-five years to her husband, Ron, she is mother to three children – Eric, Anna, and Jenny, who died at the age of a year – and “Nana” to Antonia, River Grace, and Clay. While retired from her full-time position as a national religion consultant, she continues to write, edit, and revel in the gift of family and the beauty of the Rocky Mountains.

Barbara Anne Radtke Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


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Kathy Hendricks
Kathy is the fifth of six children in a family rooted in the history and geographical beauty of Colorado. She ventured outward in college and, later, as an elementary school teacher, religious educator, pastoral minister, author, spiritual director, and public speaker. Married for forty-five years she and her husband are parents of three children ( one of whom died in infancy) and doting grandparents of three. While retired from her full-time position as a national religion consultant, she continues to write, edit, and revel in the gift of family and the beauty of the Rocky Mountains.


Barbara Anne Radtke
Barbara’s worldview has been shaped by place, family, career, and travel. She has always called somewhere in the northeast corridor of the U.S. home, but has traveled in Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean. Raised in a family of five children, she engages with large extended family who live throughout the U.S. She is a widow after 28 years of marriage and retired after a career in administration and teaching in higher education.  

PICK of the WEEK

Rachel Maddow just released the second season of “Ultra”, a fascinating account of the rise of an American in the early 50’s and the parallels with modern-day extremism. This series follows her first season in which she details the frightening power of fascism that was present in the highest echelons of American government before and during the war.


PICK of the WEEK

Do you keep a journal or a diary?  Whether you do or you don’t (I don’t) the recent episode of The Forum, a show in BBC World Service, had a fascinating program on life writing and diary keeping.  The commentary spanned centuries of the practice and interviewed diary keepers from all over the globe.


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